Measles Pictures

Before widespread vaccination, measles killed more than 2 million people each year – mostly young children. It is one of the most contagious viruses on the planet, spreading when an infected person coughs or sneezes, sending tiny droplets into the air that can then land on others nearby. These droplets can also stay in the air for up to two hours, so someone can get measles just by being in the same room as an infected person.

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Once someone gets measles, they have a fever, runny nose and cough, red eyes, and a telltale rash that starts on the face and moves down the neck, torso, limbs, and feet. In addition, many people develop a white, bluish, or gray spot on the lips and cheeks called Koplik spots (pictured above). These are bright, speckling lesions with a bluish center that may look like grains of sand. They appear on the tongue and mouth first, usually precede the generalized exanthem, and are pathognomonic for measles (rubeola).

After about a week, the rash pojar poze and symptoms start to go away. But it’s important to see a GP so the virus can be stopped before it spreads.

GPs advise staying away from nursery, school and work for four days after the rash appears and to avoid close contact with babies, pregnant women and those who are severely ill or have weakened immune systems. If you are unsure whether you are symptomatic, check your symptoms using the rashes and skin problems symptom finder.

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