Getting credit cards build credit score for building credit can be a good way to establish or rebuild credit, but it’s important to select the right card. The best credit cards for building credit are those that report to all three major credit bureaus, accept applicants with limited or no credit history and charge low fees and interest rates.
Which bank gives fastest credit card?
No Annual Fee: The Chase Freedom Flex(sm) is a great option for new credit cardholders who don’t want to pay an annual fee. This card offers a solid rewards program, no fee for its first year and a competitive intro APR that can help you build credit.
Cash Back: If you’re looking for a card that rewards you for everyday purchases, the Discover it(r) Student Cash Back is a good choice. It doesn’t have a minimum spending requirement or maximum rewards, and Discover will match all the cash back you earn in your first year.
Secured Cards: A secured credit card is a good choice for people who have less-than-stellar credit or made some mistakes in the past. It requires you to send a security deposit, which the card issuer will keep in case you’re too late with payments.
Gas Credit Cards: Some gas credit cards offer bonus rewards on gas purchases, while others are regular credit cards that can be used at any gas station. These cards are easier to get approved for, but you’ll have to pay interest if you don’t pay off your balance in full each month.